employer sponsorship

Get support

We encourage you to work with your employer to sponsor the costs of the program as professional development. This is the template to help you make the request. Using the template, you can easily draft a letter to suit your specific situation.

Email us if you have any questions: exaltitude.info@gamil.com

The template

Subject: Request for Learning & Development Support

Hi [manager's name],

I have been accepted to Exaltitude’s Leadership Circle, a unique learning opportunity that will support my career development. EXA Leadership Circle offers a combination of cohort-based training programs with access to content and community year round for [your title i.e. engineers] who are on the path of becoming effective engineering leaders. I am confident that this program will enhance my ability to drive successful results at [company name].

You can learn more about Exaltitude and how it will support my professional development on their website.

By participating in the Exaltitude program, I will develop:

The leadership development and training along with the new extended network will lead to growth opportunities and synergies for [company name]. I am confident that my participation in Exaltitude will lead to increased financial results well beyond the cost of the fee.

I am requesting employer support for the time required to attend the class sessions. The knowledge-building portion of the program includes 1-2 hours of weekly sessions and some of the training will be available as recordings. While at [company name] I have strengthened my time management skills and become more efficient at balancing multiple projects.

I would also like to request [full or partial] financial support for the cost of the program fee. The program fee is $____.

I am highly motivated to get as much out of the experience as possible. Exaltitude will provide invaluable learning opportunities and I look forward to contributing the knowledge and skills I gain to [company name].

[Customize your final sentence]

Best regards,


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